For We Love Role-Play, Jian (whose mainstore had its grand opening on June 1st) has released a fabulous banquet set called Old World Celebration which is sold for 30% off at the event. I was so thrilled when I received this set that I went out and hunted for a suitable prefab to display it in (and let me tell you, there’s a shortage of good mesh castles!). After much debating, I finally settled on the Medieval Village set from Fanatik, where the largest building features a grand hall.
I can’t believe it is already June (the fact that the weather feels more like April—at best!—probably has something to do with it), but apparently it is true because the June round of We Love Role-Play is about to open at 3 pm SLT. This time, I find myself fully kitted out in new releases from the event, from creators such as PXL, Calico, Luminary, lassitude & ennui and ieQED.
One of my oh so useful degrees is in classical history & Mediterranean archaeology, with a particular focus on the Bronze Age. I’m deeply fascinated by the Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations, both the historical and the legendary aspects. But I am not going to turn this into a lecture, just say that I was thrilled to see this collaboration gown from Faida and Junbug at The Fantasy Collective.
We’ve reached the end of May and with it the end of the World Goth Fair is near; the last day is tomorrow, June 1st. I am saying my dark farewell in a gown by Pale Empress and slithery accessories by House of Rain.
Senzafine‘s release for The Fantasy Collective is a gown with some of the most lush textures and striking colour combinations that I’ve seen in Second Life. As often happens when I have something really pretty to blog, I found myself a bit daunted—how could I do it justice? I’ll leave it up to you to decide how well (or not) I managed. I did decide I needed to call in my favourite prop, aka Ran, to make more of a scene of it.
This all started with this robe from Peqe for The Secret Affair, which appealed to my naughty side and definitely needed to be showcased. But it took me a while to come up with the rest of the pieces, which ended up being hair by Truth, accessories by Zaara and some lovely lights in the background by Jian.
The May edition of My Attic at the Deck is in full swing and Bushu is once again participating with a new pair of sexy, dangerously high heels that give you legs that seem to go on forever. Paired with a little black dress from the Plastik, I was all set to leave my usual fantasy worlds behind for a night out.
From a wintery wood to a camp in the desert, to show off new releases by Jian, Luminary and ieQED, matched with older ones from Tuli and Exile.
Time for a few more pieces from World Goth Fair, this time courtesy of Senzafine, Bliensen + MaiTai and Black Tulip. Paired with these are items by Calico and the Plastik.
This post combines the talents of two of the foremost brands within fantasy accessories—aisling and Alchemy—and their contributions to the Fantasy Gacha Carnival.
From World Goth Fair comes a bed by bauwerk from 22796, a sexy dress by the Plastik and slithery shoes by House of Rain, paired with a makeup by elymode from Cosmetics Fair.
If you’re not already all in black, its time to let your inner goth out to play because today the World Goth Fair by Cursed Events opens. The event sports an amazing, very appropriate build and an excellent selection of designers. In this post, I am giving just a little taste of that, combined with pieces from the Fantasy Gacha Carnival, We Love Role-Play, The Secret Affair and the Dark Style Fair.
Back home again after a week of a book tour in Spain and my inventory is filled to the brim with so many new items. I’ll be struggling a bit to catch up on my blogger obligations, but it will be am enjoyable struggle looking at what I’ve got to cover. To start with, we have a bit of elegant kink from ROMP monthly. For last weekend, technically, but since this is an in-store event anyway, the items in question are already in place at elymode.
We Love Role-Play has just opened its 2 year anniversary round and it is a fittingly spectacular round, with many great offers and plenty of designers with celebratory gifts. Some of my favourite pieces this round come from aisling, PXL and the Plastik.
The Fantasy Faire is coming to an end today. I’ve only managed to showcase a small portion of the creations on offer there, so don’t miss this last chance to check it out. In particular, do give the RFL vendors an extra look to help make the amount raised by the Faire this year even more impressive.
For what may be my final post, I selected items from the Plastik, the Muses, Analog Dog, Eclectica and Eternal Dreams. I also added some non-Faire items—instead, they are from the Home Show—from Jian, a new brand launched by Kalia Firelyte.