
The 14th Annual SL Christmas Expo

The 14th Annual SL Christmas Expo invites you to visit and take a journey through Christmas Through the Decades. Across the lavishly decorated winter sims you can shop from the many participating merchants and take part in various events, all for the good cause of fighting childhood cancer. The event is open from November 29th to December 8th.

I found a lovely ice skating pond on sim inspired by Christmas in the 1900s, which seemed like a beautiful place to show off the Heather dress in pink from Viki and the charming little Lunar Glider from Unique Obsession, a touch of magical sparkle that hovers above either hand (and animates the hand into the pose you see).

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Click for full-sized image


Body Parts:  Maitreya Lara body, LeLutkaErin head, LeLutka eyes
Skin: alaskametro Esme Tone 5
Hair: Stealthic Twisted
Clothing:  Viki Heather Pink (Expo 5

Unique Obsession Lunar Glider - Sparkle N’ Bright (Expo 4, Zibska Eleanor Set

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