For once, I decided on a touch of modesty. This top from Voluptas Virtualis has quite the plunging neckline, but I actually prefer it with something underneath. A nice, lacy bra would have worked well too, but the bodysuit from Luxuria gave it a feel of sexy yet cosy. As a result, curling up in front of a fire in a comfortable chair from Dutchie seemed like just the thing to do.
The top is available both in a set selection of colours and as a HUD-driven fatback which also allows for mixing and matching different colours on the trim and the main body of the top. It comes in three sizes per body, to allow for easier layering with other mesh clothing (here I layered with an applier).
Body Parts: Slink Physique Hourglass body, Slink hands & feet, Vista Lia head, Mayfly eyes
Skin: alaskametro Cora Tone 1
Hair: Truth Horizon
Clothes: Voluptas Virtualis Ambra (Kinky), Luxuria Willow Bodysuit
Decor: Dutchie Art Deco Chair