
Fantasy Faire 2024: Walk the Plank

Adventure calls at Plankbarrow Harbor, where many broken ships have come to rest and a twisted array of ropes and planks shaped into a town of sorts. A hideout for pirates and treasure seekers, with dangers lurking both on the rickety wooden piers and below the waves. If you plan on visiting, you had better keep your wits about you and a trusty dagger at hand. Not all encounters will be friendly, especially after dusk.

The Muses Wanderer outfit almost looks made for the Atriane Gloves from Senzafine, or vice versa. A great base for a pirate look, with the ostentatious hat by Attitude is an Artform adding a lot of flair (and sitting nicely on the curly hairstyle by Analog Dog). The necklace from Portal is rather understated but has an interesting design and the obsidian dagger from Oblivis Solem looks appropriately menacing.

I am late to report this, but LL has allowed the Faire two extra days before the Fairelands fade away, which means you will be able to explore, shop and raise money for RLF until the 7th of May!

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Body Parts: The Shops Legacy Perky, The Shops Legacy Perky hands & feet, LeLutka Zora head with RVN Store Hawknose Add-on Ultralight,
Skin: Nar Mattaru Otrera Olive
Hair: Analog Dog Fruitopia (Fantasy Faire 2024 - Ogham Grove)
Clothing: The Muses Wanderer Black/Black (Fantasy Faire 2024 - Thunnus Bay)
Accessories:  Senzafine Atriane Gloves (Fantasy Faire 2024 - Plankbarrow Harbor), Portal Rana Necklace (Fantasy Faire 2024 - Thunnus Bay), Attitude is an Artform All The Floof Stylized Hat (Fantasy Faire 2024 - The Last Stop), Oblivis Solem Artifact Rainbow Obsidian Dagger (Fantasy Faire 2024 - Thunnus Bay)
Poses: Mythril (Fantasy Faire 2024 - The Last Stop)

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