
The Feast

The table has been set for an opulent Renaissance feast. A roast pheasant is accompanied by three additional dishes and of course there is fine wine as well. The pheasant and the three dishes are new releases from Del-ka Aedilis for the SL Renaissance Festival and both are donation items raising money for the American Cancer Society.

The lady hosting the feast wears a gown by Les Encantades, which features a wide variety of colour combinations via the texture HUD, and a beautiful head ornament with matching earrings from Zibska. Along with the skin from Mignonne, these are all Renaissance Festival releases. The skin includes eyebrow options, add-on lipstick and blushes as well as a special version with a powdered face.

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Body Parts:  Maitreya Lara body, LeLutka Inez head, LeLutka eyes
Skin: Mignonne Lotte br3 evoX sienna with blush and lipstick (RenFest 6)
Hair: Magika Cordelia
Clothing: Les Encantades Berthild Top & Skirt (Ren Fest 1)
Accessories:  Zibska Guilietta Set (Ren Fest 2)
Decor:  Del-Ka Aedilis The Medieval Feast: Roast Pheasant and The Medieval Feast: Feasting Bowls (Ren Fest 4)

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