Time for the third and final new face from alaskametro. Spark is a freckled, charming face which I paired with I see as the cutest of the LightStar mesh heads, Marian. But since I also decided to show off another new release from Poppy, this one for ROMP, things took a decidedly naughty turn with this post. The decor is all from the recently released November Deco(c)rate.
The second new face from alaskametro is Solace, a somber face that gives a melancholy look. I paired it with the Athena head from LightStar and dressed up in a recent release from Noble Creations, also with a grecian theme.
Alaskametro has recently released added three new faces to her skinline and I will be featuring them one at a time. And since she releases all her skins for LeLutka, Catwa and Omega (plus as system skins, even!), I will be featuring each of them on a different mesh head from LightStar. I really wish more brands would include Omega versions of their skins, to allow for more variety in head and skin combinations.
The first skin featured is Harmony, an in-store release of a skin in two darker tones, which I’ve decided to pair with the Maya head. Also shown in this post is a bodysuit from Voluptas Virtualis and a suspenion rack from Roawenwood.
For November, Enchantment takes us to the world of Snow White, full of poisoned apples, dwarves and evil queens. I think I saw at least three glass coffins on sale as well, which brought back fond memories of a lovely pose prop from Studio Sidhe. There were also a few magic mirrors, which makes me fervently wish for reflections in Second Life. But enough reminiscing and wishful thinking! I have a lovely dress from Dreaming Thicket to show you, together with a pose set from Double Take, a new-to-me pose store.
Rewind has gone back in time to the 40s and to blog the Joan hairstyle from Wasabi (a rebrand of Wasabi Pills), I decided to pick up the Oakley Garter Slip from Poppy from the same event. A couple of days ago, I had also gone shopping at Collabor88 and picked up the two new releases from Trompe Loeil, which when shot in a vintage-inspired windlight seemed to work pretty well with the Rewind items.
It is time for ROMP again and Voluptas Virtualis have two new releases out at the event. The first is a barely there metal bikini, featuring some gorgeous filigree and delicate gemstones. I broke out the Kismet poses from Nantra and wandered off to my stone circle from LORE for some dancing in the mists to summon forth something or other.
It has been a few months since I last tried a Deco(c)rate, but with November being their 1 year anniversary I decided to treat myself. The preorders also included a MadPea scratch card with chances to win various prizes as an added incentive, but alas, my result was just three empty boxes. Fortunately, my Deco(c)rate was anything but empty and I ended up with a rather lengthy video looking at what each of the 15 designers had made for the theme “Cozy Nights”. It turned out they had gotten very cozy indeed!
I know, I know. Autumn has barely begun and I am doing snow & ice pictures. But I really couldn’t think of a more fitting surrounding for the Opal skin from Fallen Gods, which has a lovely, icy feel thanks to the iridescent patterning. And since the idea was to show off the skin, I opted to pass on any clothing and simply accessorize with a hair from Truth and a new set of horns from the Plastik.
Dreaming Thicket, formerly Anachron, has a new Grecian-inspired dress out for We Love Role-Play, which opened yesterday for its November round. I also had this campfire from Noble Creations that I wanted to incorporate in a picture and it struck me that I might play with the Grecian angle and think of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. Now, she really ought to have a bow, not a spear, and she probably shouldn’t be a redhead either, but that is what liberties are for. I rather like the atmosphere in this shot, where I used a foggy windlight setting to all but obscure the surrounding landscape, save for the pine trees from Studio Skye.
I have to say, the windlight really was what made this shot work. It added an incredible lushness to the scene, really taking advantage of the velvets of the Justine sofa to create an amazingly decadent backdrop for my scantily clad self. The starting piece for the “outfit” was the collar and leash from Voluptas Virtualis and then I tried on a number of other things to see what worked with it.
The third Shadow Box in the first series of six from Death Row Designs was released yesterday. As with the second one, I decided to more of a reveal than an unboxing, to show the items in a planned setup. I admit, the theme of this box threw me for a little loop at first, since it is not the kind of furnishings that I tend to use in Second Life. However, after rezzing everything out, I really took a liking to the Dark version in particular.
To learn more about Shadow Box and how to subscribe, make sure to visit the DRD website linked above. And remember, if you get all six boxes in a series, there is a bonus item at the end.
I do not like spiders. In fact, I am absolutely terrified of spiders. Fortunately, my virtual self is made of sterner stuff and did not run away screaming when I put on the latest release from deviousMind. That does not mean, however, that I didn’t have to suppress a shiver when attaching the various spiders that go along with the outfit. I mean, spiders crawling across your breasts, that is just evil!
While I did not manage to win the massive castle from the Bloodcroft Castle Gacha by Death Row Designs, I did come away with some very nice furnishings that I decided to setup in my castle from Fanatik to make a cosy, gothic scene. The fireplace, in particular, is gorgeously detailed. Then I dressed up in the Claire gown from the Muses and took my place as the lady of the manor.
The annual horror game from Pulse Games opened a few days ago and yesterday I decided to take of the lights in my room and head over to the starting point in Sn@tch City to give it a try. This year’s game is called Birthright and is in fact the 10th anniversary for Pulse Games horror experiences.
Like I did last year, I made an attempt to record part of my experience, but unfortunately technical issues have led to only part of the video being encoded. This means it cuts off rather abruptly and not at all at the intended point. But so far we haven’t been able to solve the issue, so it will have to do.
As part of the video, I also show off a couple of releases from Genre’s current round, from Senzafine and Bliensen + MaiTai.
After putting on the Oriana gacha from Voluptas Virtualis and colouring it all up to gold, I was stuck for a while trying to come up with the setting to shoot it in. Then Ran suggested that it felt a bit sci-fi, maybe space opera a la Flash Gordon. Well, I couldn’t quite swing the latter, but I did have the Starship skybox from 22769 and this cool “Specimen Tank” prop from NRage that I had gotten from a gacha ages ago but never used. The final touch was recolouring the Harper hair from Wasabi Pills to use one of the colours from the Solar set rather than plain old black.