Hippoi Athanatoi

About All Those Logs

Since I made that decision to start going through my logs, both to edit as many as possible and to put up select ones on the site, I’ve managed some slow but steady (more the former than the latter, though) progress with both these tasks. I still have hundreds of logs filled with OOC clutter, but also a growing collection of tidy ones, including some that I’ve deemed fit for public consumption. I’ve tried to pick logs that aren’t too boring, though in general I imagine all logs that involve characters you know nothing about or have no connection to are pretty darn dull. Still, there are degrees of dullness, and I think some of these might at least be of some interest to people we’ve role-played with over the years. Especially if they’re nosy. ;)

I’ve also tried to pick logs that are representative for the kind of role-play we like. So, there’s a fair bit of angst, some saucy innuendo and some sword fighting. If anything, it might give prospective Blood of Dragons players an idea what to expect from us. And that’s only fair, since we’re asking them for logs with their applications. Admittedly, most of the stuff that’s up there so far is pretty old. There are some fairly recent Maeve & Diar logs from Cuendillar, but the Tales of Ta’veren logs, with Angharad & Valtrin and Shirin & Isandros, are from 2000 and earlier and much the same goes for the Ceridwen & Rananar logs from Elendor. Still, I don’t think we’ve changed that much.

As an aside, I might note that going through all those logs has had the side-effect of making me desperate for some good role-play. Tales of Ta’veren is long gone (and the average role-play quality there was pretty abysmal anyway), Elendor’s pretty dead these days (making me long for the days of 4-5 am sessions with the great players from way back) and Cuendillar is even deader (and pretty hopeless in other ways, too) unless you’re in the Tower. We need to get Blood of Dragons opened up soon, and once we’re thoroughly settled in, I am determined to reuse the code to put up a Wheel of Time game as well. I may not be a big fan of the books any longer, but I am a big fan of the setting when it comes to role-play, and I have too many WoT characters that need a home.

But first I expect to get a lot of enjoyment out of playing lady Aisling Ryswell, sent to King’s Landing in a last-ditch attempt to find her a husband.

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