Hippoi Athanatoi

Tad Williams on Aquaman

Tad Williams, author of such books as The Dragonbone Chair and Shadowmarch, has given an interview at Broken Frontier where he discusses his upcoming work on Aquaman from DC Comics.

Though a noted fantasist, Williams notes that despite following Kurt Busiek’s interesting, sword-and-sorcery flavored run on the title (the first issues of which are collected in Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis), he thinks he will be taking the book back towards a more traditional Aquaman story type. In particular, Williams seems intent on having Aquaman become more involved with the surface world and "OPVs" (Other People’s Villains). There’s also a tidbit about Williams’s upcoming comic, Bad Guy Factory, which he describes as, "Hogwarts for henchfolk."

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