Hippoi Athanatoi

Blown Away

Last Sunday was the Swedish Championships for Boxers, which we attended with Ringo, for the third year in a row. Fortunately, it was close to where we live this time around, just an hour away instead of four, so the fact that the show didn’t turn out so well didn’t sting quite as much as it could have.

Going into it, we were prepared for a less than stellar result, as the judge was one that had given Ringo just a 2 for quality at a previous show. But that was when he was a junior, and he did not show well at all, so we had thought that might have accounted for some of the evaluation. But, no. He showed very well this time, giving the judge a good chance to look him over, and all that resulted in was another 2 and a longer description of all his faults according to the judge:

Three years old, medium size. A bit flat in skull, not fullfilled enough under eyes, too much developed jaws, the ears are not well carried. Short neck, not dry enough. Needs more angular in front, a bit loose in elbows, chest is not deep enough, could have better topline. A bit feminine. Correct croup and tailset. Good mover. Needs better expression.

Some of those things were clearly due to the judge preferring quite massive male boxers. His winner was very muscular and deep-chested—too much so for my taste, really. Though taken with the previous show, I can’t help but worry a little bit that his head is coming out a little worse with age. But oh well, its just a show, and if we could get him into the working dogs class I think he’d be quite competitive all considered. That’s no small feat, though, with his habit of getting stressed by everything.

And speaking of stress… It was incredibly windy at the show (but despite lots of foreboding dark clouds, we only got 5-10 minutes of light rain), and it blew all sense out of Ringo. He was wild and loud (a poor fellow standing behind us got barked at several times, I suspect for having a beard…), taking only short little naps. I really thought he’d be out of control in the ring, but he was excellent. Now, we if could only work on his escalating issues with other dogs, to improve those as much as his attention to me has improved…

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