Last week fell by the wayside in more than one way. I needed to be done on time for once (we rarely are, both because the groups before us are delayed and because we too get delayed), and of course the group ahead of us was about 20 minutes late. So, I had to quit early. Argh. And Murphy felt pretty great, too, and we were doing more transitions while focusing on our seats. I tried to use the time we had efficiently, without being rushed, and I guess I did okay ... but it still felt unsatisfactory. Though, I did get some good pointers about my seat, such as the fact that I tend to keep the stirrup too far forward on the foot. I think the whole “don’t get your foot stuck” was drilled into me too firmly, and it has lead to some tension in my leg position. It will be interesting to see what sort of effects changing this will have. I bet it will feel weird.
Today, we had a theory lesson, discussing the six building blocks of the German training scale (though our instructor puts rhythm before relaxation). We managed to finish late once again, because we got a bit sidetracked discussing all sorts of things, like the Eurovision Song Contest and harness racing. Though we did get some useful discussions done too, in particular about how to work on motivating different horses in different ways.