Hippoi Athanatoi

So Confused

Almost time for another lesson, so I better write up a report on the last one. ;P Not very accomplishy of late.

It was actually a bit of a tricky lesson to talk about, though. I was on Murphy again, and we continued to work on lateral work. Lots of it, in fact. The idea was to cram in as many leg yields as possible per lap, and on as many different lines as possible. This works wonder for getting Murphy nicely together, but it also confuses me like crazy.

I just can’t seem to get a solid grasp of angles and lines for lateral work. If we do a single line several times, I can sort of work it out over time. But doing different ones all the time? That way lies madness. I just couldn’t figure out how much to lead in the front quarters, which way he should be moving to be on a specific line, and how I should be seated and where I should look. Its my left-and-right problems times ten.

So, I had a hard time getting into good riding because I was too preoccupied with figuring out how to do things. That said, actually thinking less about getting the horse to work in the right form and so on can make it better, because you fiddle too much when you think about it. So Murphy came together rather well and seemed to be enjoying himself. In fact, an additional problem was that he seemed to catch on to what to do faster than I…

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