Hippoi Athanatoi


This Tuesday I was, once again, reminded that I could really, really use a pair of longer legs when riding. I don’t suppose they sell extensions anywhere? ;P

I was put on Sammy instead of Murphy, and while I love the old fellow dearly, he’s rather broad. For stumpy-legged me, that means that even just sitting straight up and down, my legs don’t quite end up in the right position. And if I start trying to have a more forward leg, or a leg drawn back a bit, it gets even dicier. As we were doing shoulder in work, and were asked to have our inner leg a little forward (to emphasize to the horse that it should wrap around the leg a bit) and our outer leg a bit back, I struggled quite a bit.

I don’t have great leg position to start with, and when it becomes physically difficult to get into a certain position, I tend to avoid it as I don’t much care for discomfort. I am trying to improve it a bit by doing leg exercises again, to make them a bit stronger and a bit more supple, since it did help when I did that regularly some time ago. But there’s no getting around the fact that my build is not great for riding and that my seat (which needs work to start with) deteriorates very quickly as soon as I get onto something that is a little too big. I imagine that if I rode more regularly and if my seat and my coordination was much better, I could compensate for my shortcomings more easily. But as it is, it takes very little to throw off my precariously gained balance.

So, that lesson ended up being a lot about my body, and I didn’t have as much success with Sammy as I would have liked. However, I did manage to act on one error from the week before, namely how I was handling his outside. This week, I concentrated a lot on riding his outside forward to the outer hand, and I think it made quite a difference.

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