Hippoi Athanatoi

  • Idle ramblings about life, dog training, riding and much more.
    What I Read in 2023

    I’ve been slacking as a reader for quite a few years now. It used to be that I read a large stack of books each summer, a smaller one for my birthday and another good-sized stack for Christmas, plus quite a few books in-between too. But then something happened and months could pass without me…

  • Photos of us, our dogs and assorted adventures.

    SKD (on the right) and (to my total surprise) Scaledun. We didn’t even get introduced, I think! A missed opportunity I hope to rectify someday.

    As for SKD, I introduced myself to her at Mr. Singh’s with, “Jaime Lannister is honorless scum.” (Before I hear protests, it’s not true. Not precisely, anyways.)

  • Logs of MUSH roleplay from various games.
    A Hunt Goes Awry
    Prince Marence is out hunting with his court when a messenger arrives with news of his envoy to the rebellious Lady Yronwood.
  • Reviews of books and other media.
    All the Seas of the World

    In All the Seas of the World, Kay returns once more to his most frequently revisited alternate history setting, where the stories often touch upon the tensions between the followers of the three major religions: the Asharites, the Jaddites and the Kindath. I have not consciously reflected on this…